The Peak Potential Planner Lesson 6: Triumph Over Trials

Chapter six of the Peak Potential Planner is super personal to me.
There's a picture of me doing exercises for my knee while holding my little three-month-old son. This chapter tells the story of some really hard times for Rad and me when we started our gym, Unity Gym.
👉 Click here to (watch) to the full podcast on Youtube [Episode 7/8] 📺
👉 Click here to (listen) to the full podcast on Spotify [Episode 7/8]🎙️
We had a lot of debt and I got hurt badly in a mountain bike crash and playing football. I needed a bunch of life changing surgeries and 16 months of rehab to learn to walk again.
All this was happening while we were about to have our first baby.
These big problems all came in the first two years of our gym.
We had been personal trainers for ten years, but it still took five years for our gym to start making money and seven years to really do well.
Then, just when things were looking up, our family had a really sad loss, and the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world.
During that crazy first year of the pandemic, my relationship ended and I became a single dad.
I learned that when you're trying to do big things, you'll face even bigger challenges.
Getting to your goals is like a mix of winning and facing tough stuff.
Every hard thing that happens teaches you something important.
When you hit a problem, it's important to know it won't last forever.
How you deal with it is what really matters.
With a positive and growing way of thinking, every hard time can teach you to be stronger, more flexible, and keep your eyes on what you want.
But you don't have to face these things alone. Having people around who support you can really change things. It can make a scary journey feel like an adventure.
My own journey got way better because of my amazing support network – my family, friends, mentors, and everyone at our gym. They helped me so much with each problem I faced.
Their support was a big reason why I made it through.
That's why in the Peak Potential Planner, we talk about how important it is to have people who can help you:
- Expert Help: Getting advice from people who know a lot, like me and my team.
- Learning from Others: Hearing from people who've gone through the same stuff and made it.
- Community Support: Being around others who are working on similar goals, helping each other out.
As you start changing and growing, remember it's normal to have hard times. But with good people around you, you'll have the strength to get past them and keep going.
In the Peak Potential Planner, we show you how to find these kinds of helpers, whether they're experts, people who've been there before, or friends on the same path as you.
Your team should be people who get what you're going through, cheer for you, and help you when things get tough.
With the right people around, every hard time becomes a chance to learn and get better.
Get ready for our last email. We'll wrap up everything from the Peak Potential Planner and get you set for an amazing journey of change.
The next email is called: Transforming Pain Into Power.
👉 Click here to (watch) to the full podcast on Youtube [Episode 7/8] 📺
👉 Click here to (listen) to the full podcast on Spotify [Episode 7/8]🎙️
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