When Dan Babcock embarked on his fitness journey, he had no idea that a seemingly ordinary Google search would lead him to an extraordinary fitness experience. Dan, a busy professional with limited time, had always struggled to find a fitness...
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We've all been there. The alarm rings, signaling it's time for your morning workout, but you're too tired to move. Or it's the end of a long day, and the thought of hitting the gym seems impossible. Motivation ebbs and...
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Lower back pain is a common issue that can affect anyone, from active athletes to office workers. This week's podcast episode delves into the various causes of lower back pain and offers insights into managing and treating it. If you...
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Handstands are a thrilling way to demonstrate strength, balance, and agility. Whether you're just beginning your fitness journey or you're a seasoned calisthenics enthusiast, the allure of mastering this impressive skill is undeniable. However, for many, this pursuit has led...
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When it comes to fitness, everyone has a unique journey. For Nick Phillips, the pandemic was the catalyst for a profound change in his approach to exercise and training. His story reveals why the Unity Gym Online Training program, also...
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