Can Exercise Fix A Bulging Disc?

Can Exercise Fix A Bulging Disc?
I received this email yesterday from the inner circle (name removed for privacy).

Dear Yani,
I have lower back pain due to a bulging disc on my L5-S1 joint and also a small labral tear at my left hip. I don’t have easy access to a gym. So I’m wondering if your home workout program on your app is able to help me with my issues?
Best regards,

There’s two sides to this question.

On one hand, there’s what I believe is essential, and on the other, what’s better.

As good as some home workouts are, gym options are usually better.

Becuase gym equipment expands your exercise repertoire, making load management easier than bodyweight alone will allow. So I'd always recommend following a good program in a well equipped gym if available.

If not, some is ALWAYS better than none!

And a well structured home program is definitely superior to doing nothing becuase increasing your strength and mobility are essential for injury rehab and you can do both without a gym.

After injury diagnosis (or surgical intervention if necessary), exercise is essential for the healing process, and it's common the day after orthopedic surgery to be asked to get moving.

There are a number of good reasons why, but one less obvious, is that a big part of reducing the symptoms of pain is decreasing perceived threat.

​Most people don’t realize that pain is a symptom of the brain based on perceived threat, that does not always accurately reflect the severity of injury.

You may remember falling and skinning your knee as a child. In the absence of blood, the injury feels less painful. This is because the sight of blood increases the perceived threat for a child.

Now back to your bulging disc and torn labrum K.​

A healthy body's tissues are continually turning over new cells.

​​Although different tissues repair at different speeds, except bone, a few months will heal most injuryies. After this, risidual pain is unlikely a reflection of damaged tissue anymore.

In addition, absence of exercise will result in a loss of strength. Meaning, to avoid training will not only stifle the injury rehab process, it will increase the liklihghod of future injuries in other areas.​​

​​I can’t give you specific advice without proper consultation, but I suspect any pain experienced will reduce after increasing your strength, mobility and confidence.

In any case, in the presence of injury motion is lotion, and the best way to get moving is through a structured exercise program. If you can’t get to a good gym, a good home workout will suffice.

In my biased opinion, I believe ours is the best.

If you can’t join us inside the UMS app, or the thought of exercise is beyond your comprehension at present, here is a free resource we have just put together that may help.

Let’s reinvent how you train for strength and flexibility.

So you can do more of what you love pain free!

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