Overcoming Lower Back Pain: The Importance of Limb Symmetry and Opposing Muscle Balance

Overcoming Lower Back Pain: The Importance of Limb Symmetry and Opposing Muscle Balance

When one side of your body has an imbalance, it doesn't just look weird, it can also make you more likely to suffer from lower back pain. Leg imbalances can change the way your pelvis sits, the way you stand, and the way you walk, which can affect your posture and cause lower back pain.

To overcome this issue, you should train to promote limb symmetry and opposing muscle balance.

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An imbalance between limb symmetry can raise your risk of injury, so it's crucial to use unilateral exercises instead of bilateral movements to promote symmetry. For instance, use split squats instead of regular squats, single leg hamstring curls instead of regular hamstring curls, single leg deadlifts instead of regular deadlifts, and step-up variations in your supplementary circuits.

Balance between opposing muscles in the legs, hips, and trunk is also critical. You should be able to brace in your abs, core, and lower back equally. A program split that trains opposing muscles in the same workout will achieve this. For example, abs and lower back. This method is both more efficient and effective for developing strength.

Balancing strength and flexibility is equally important. Training for limb symmetry and opposing muscle balance is the perfect way to overcome imbalances that cause changes in the way you walk, stand, and sit.

By reducing the stress and load on your lower back, it plays a large role in overcoming back pain. Keep moving and training to make sure your lower back stays healthy and pain-free.

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