Looking for a fitness program that truly works and covers all aspects of well-being? Look no further! "These guys are the real deal!!! Unity Gym and their UMS program have been an absolute game changer for me." We're excited to...
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Imagine embarking on a life-changing journey that helps you achieve high levels of functional flexibility as an adult. This week, we invite you to join us for a captivating three-part video series, live in the UMS Movement Mastermind Facebook group,...
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When it comes to personal fitness, each individual's journey and experience are unique. For Rhett Guthrie, a dedicated member of the Unity Gym tribe, his journey began with a desire to address chronic lower back pain. Little did he know...
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Tendinitis is a common overuse injury that can affect anyone, from amateur athletes to professionals. It is often characterized by pain, stiffness, and weakness around the affected area, making it difficult to move and perform regular activities.In this episode, Yani...
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Todd McKenzie has had his fair share of injuries and muscle imbalances over the years, thanks to his extensive training. Living remotely, he thought that finding someone to work with him face to face would be impossible. However, he discovered...
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