Exploring the Profound Impact of Pain Science and Mindset on SLAP Tear Rehabilitation

Exploring the Profound Impact of Pain Science and Mindset on SLAP Tear Rehabilitation

In episode 391 of The Sound of Movement podcast, expert physiotherapist Phil White and I delve into the critical importance of having a strong support network when diagnosed with a SLAP tear. Drawing from personal and professional experiences, we outline how the right people around you can profoundly impact your recovery journey.

Understanding Pain Science and Injury Identity

Pain is not just a physical sensation but an experience modulated by the brain. Phil explains that pain is shaped by various factors, including thoughts, beliefs, and past experiences. He introduces the concept of "injury identity," where individuals start identifying themselves with their injuries, viewing every physical activity through the lens of potential pain and further injury. This mindset can be debilitating, hindering recovery and preventing individuals from engaging in activities they once enjoyed.

The Role of Cognitive Defusion

Cognitive defusion involves distancing oneself from painful sensations or negative thoughts and viewing them objectively. Phil shares an example of holding a horse stance during a Kung Fu training session. By practicing daily and mentally positioning himself outside the pain, he eventually managed to hold the stance for twelve minutes. This experience taught him to perceive pain as a non-threatening experience, thereby reducing its impact. This approach can be particularly beneficial in the rehabilitation of chronic injuries.

The Importance of Gradual Exposure and Desensitization

Gradual exposure and desensitization are crucial in SLAP tear rehabilitation. After an injury, the affected area becomes highly sensitized. To counter this, Phil recommends gradually exposing the injured area to movement and physical activity. This method reduces pain and improves functionality.

Phil uses the example of burn victims, who are often taught to desensitize their scars by gradually exposing them to different sensations. Similarly, in SLAP tear rehabilitation, reintroducing movement and exercise helps desensitize the area, reducing pain and improving functionality.

Shifting Focus to Other Areas of Strength

Phil advocates for shifting focus to other areas of the body and different types of physical activities. For instance, if someone has a SLAP tear, they might focus on lower body strength training, cardiovascular exercises, or flexibility work. This approach maintains overall fitness and provides a sense of progress and achievement, which is crucial for mental well-being.

Building a Supportive Network

Yani and Phil emphasize the importance of having a supportive network during the rehabilitation process. Working with knowledgeable professionals who understand the specific needs of the individual can provide the necessary guidance, encouragement, and accountability to navigate the challenges of injury rehabilitation.


The insights shared by Yani Burmeister and Phil White in this episode of the Unity Gym Podcast provide a comprehensive understanding of how pain science and mindset play crucial roles in SLAP tear rehabilitation. By recognizing pain as a brain-modulated experience and employing strategies like cognitive defusion, gradual exposure, and focus shifting, individuals can significantly improve their recovery outcomes. Building a supportive network of professionals and maintaining a positive, proactive approach to injury management are vital for long-term success.

As someone passionate about fitness and health, I highly encourage you to listen to the full episode and consider joining our online coaching programs. These programs provide personalized support and guidance, helping you navigate the challenges of injury rehabilitation and achieve your fitness goals. With the right mindset and approach, you can overcome any injury and continue to thrive in your physical pursuits.

Empowering Your Recovery Journey

Phil White and I provide a comprehensive roadmap for anyone facing a SLAP tear diagnosis. From seeking early expert guidance to exploring rehabilitation over surgery, and from building a supportive network to transforming challenges into opportunities, our discussion offers valuable lessons for a successful recovery.

For those interested in personalized support, Unity Gym Online offers specialized SLAP tear rehabilitation programs and one-on-one coaching, aligning with the principles discussed in this episode. By joining our community, you can gain access to expert guidance and a supportive network, empowering your journey towards recovery and beyond.

If you or someone you know is dealing with a SLAP tear, consider reaching out to Unity Gym Online for personalized coaching and support. Surround yourself with the right experts and peers, and take proactive steps towards a full and robust recovery.

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