How To Warm Up For Stretching

Age affects our exercise in more ways than we think.
Every training injury over the past few years was during a workout that I either rushed my warm up, or didn’t really warm up at all.
Which makes sense because the older you get, the more important your warm up routine becomes.
Frustratingly, I’ve also observed that the older I get, the less time I have to exercise.
So Rad and I spend countless hours reinventing how we prepare our bodies for exercise. Because the need for an efficient and effective warm up routine has never been more important than today.
Before you start spending time designing a new warm up routine, it’s important to remember, the warm up is not the workout!
But it should prime your nervous system, increase blood flow, saturate joints with synovial fluid, and include exercise specific body positioning drills.
If you take your training seriously, and you ain't no spring chicken anymore like us, then you’ll get a lot of value from our latest follow along warm routines uploaded to our Youtube channel.
🎦 10 Minute lower body follow along warm up routine
Let’s reinvent how you train for strength and flexibility.
So you can do more of what you love without pain!
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