Snoozing for Success: How Daytime Naps Could Enhance Your Training

Snoozing for Success: How Daytime Naps Could Enhance Your Training

In episode 335 of "The Sound of Movement - The Unity Gym Podcast," company directors Yani and Rad Burmeister discuss the concept of daytime napping with ADPT Physio’s Phil White. 

The topic: "Are daytime naps beneficial for training performance? Especially when you already get plenty of sleep?" 

Rad and Yani, have differing experiences, with Rad being a fan of regular naps while Yani struggles with them.

The idea of daytime napping was first introduced to Yani by the legendary investor Warren Buffett, who is known to take a nap every afternoon. 

His habit intrigued Yani and, eventually, became an accepted practice in his own company when Rad began napping due to a mid-afternoon slump in energy. 

Rad explained that he requires a 20 to 40-minute nap after his first large meal of the day to maintain mental clarity. He noted that his practice of napping began during his army days, where the advice of "eat when you can, and sleep when you can" proved extremely beneficial.

The hosts then discuss the importance of understanding sleep stages. They note that lighter sleep is most common, while deep sleep, which has restorative physical benefits, usually occurs at the beginning of the night. 

REM sleep, which assists in mental processing, tends to occur towards the end of the night. Disruption of these stages can lead to long-term issues with memory retention and overall brain function. The host's personal experiences with sleep patterns, sleep tracking wearables, and their variabilities are also touched upon.

In terms of practical advice, Yani offers his five rules for optimal sleep, based on a decade of personal experimentation and research. 

He emphasizes the importance of exercise, a warm shower before sleep, restriction of blue light, reading a book rather than looking at screens for the last hour of the day, and creating a conducive sleep environment. 

His "bedroom Batcave" is designed to be dark, cold, and free from electronic devices that could interfere with sleep.

In conclusion, they reflect on how sleep patterns are deeply personal and can vary greatly from person to person. While daytime naps can be highly beneficial for some, it is essential to ensure that they do not interfere with a full night's sleep. 

Ultimately, understanding and respecting your body's individual sleep needs is key to improving overall sleep quality, and by extension, your performance during the day.

You can listen to the full podcast here.

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