From Beginner to Specialist: The 3 Essential Stages of Flexibility Training

From Beginner to Specialist: The 3 Essential Stages of Flexibility Training

In episode 347 of "The Sound of Movement - The Unity Gym Podcast," hosts Rad and Yani Burmeister explained the three crucial stages of flexibility training. Knowing which stage you're at is key to growth, and no story illustrates this better than Ben's journey.

Ben, a 20-year yoga veteran and a tribe member of Unity Gym, had reached a plateau in his practice. Despite traveling the world to learn from the best Yogis, he couldn’t unlock some of the most advanced movements.

Then, two months after being at Unity Gym, Ben began to unlock those movements. What changed? He realized he was at stage three in his physical development but still practicing stage two exercises. He had flexibility, but he lacked integrated strength and flexibility, the principle he needed most.

Knowing the three stages, and what stage you’re at in your flexibility journey can be the difference between frustrating plateaus, painful injuries and monumental leaps forward in your physical development.

Stage One: Absolute Beginner

In stage one, you're just starting, likely watching YouTube videos and seeking that first breakthrough. Unity Gym's experience with more than 10,000 people has shown that people at this stage respond best to a simple daily mobility routine. This 20-minute routine is achievable, makes you feel better instantly, and is easy to include in your day.

Stage Two: Gaining Experience

Stage two is for those who have some experience but haven't yet unlocked advanced skills like the pancake, back bridge, or splits. Here, a proper program with enough volume on each muscle group or movement is essential. It takes more targeted and intense work to continue progressing, moving from mobility to flexibility, leading to a higher level of intensity.

Stage Three: The Specialist

Stage three is for the far more experienced. People at this stage are either very strong and inflexible or very flexible but lack strength. Ben was a perfect example, and his realization helped him smash through his plateau.

Finding the Right Puzzle Pieces

Understanding your stage is like finding the right puzzle pieces in a box mixed with 1000 other pieces. If you try to construct a program without knowing your pieces, you can easily get lost. But once you identify your stage, you can find the right pieces for your puzzle.

  • Stage 1: Focus on a simple mobility routine that makes you feel great from day one.
  • Stage 2: Implement a proper program that challenges you but also empowers you.
  • Stage 3: Balance strength and flexibility, finding the exact area you need to focus on.

The Journey Towards Your Best Self

Every person's journey is unique, but the three stages provide a roadmap to follow. They guide you in identifying what's right for you, avoiding the pitfalls of endless content without action, or persisting with a program ill-suited for your journey.

Ben's story is an inspiring testament to what can happen when you identify your stage. It's not just about a routine or a system; it's about a path towards your best self, a path that requires insight, focus, and a willingness to take action.

Whether you're just starting out, have some experience but need to level up, or are a specialist needing to balance strength and flexibility, knowing your stage guides your way.

Embrace your stage, and enjoy the journey!

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