
Beginners Guide To Perfect Pulls Ups
Would you believe …“How to do a pull up” (or chin up) is among the most searched exercise related terms online. Which surprises me. If so many people are searching for pull up tutorials, why aren’t they executed better in...
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Most Effective Rotator Cuff Exercises
We both know shoulder injuries suck! Persistent shoulder pain is a nightmare. It’s enough to keep you awake at night. Let alone stifle your progress in the gym. Although physical therapy is important, most rehab falls short because it lacks...
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How To Get Instant Shoulder Flexibility
Shoulder mobility is essential for working out. Especially if you do things like Crossfit, calisthenics or weightlifting. Increasing your ability to stretch your arms above your head (shoulder flexion) is a critical first step. Without good shoulder flexion you limit...
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The Sad Truth About The Liver King
Earlier this week the famed $100,000,000 Liver King empire was exposed as the con we all suspected.Brian Johnson (aka Liver King), rocketed to internet fame as a fitness and masculinity influencer by showcasing what he calls the “ancestral lifestyle.” A...
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Can Exercise Fix A Bulging Disc?
I received this email yesterday from the inner circle (name removed for privacy). Dear Yani,   I have lower back pain due to a bulging disc on my L5-S1 joint and also a small labral tear at my left hip. I...
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